Will the GOP get behind Trump as their presidential nominee? Or will they try to pull the strings to nominate someone else? Will the Democratic superdelegates back Bernie if he ends up being the frontrunner? Or will they cast their votes for Hillary to preserve the power of the Democratic establishment?
In this 15-minute podcast, Higher Learning co-founder Mbiyimoh Ghogomu takes a look at the 2016 presidential race, focusing on the different ways in which the political establishment (on both sides of the aisle) can overrule the will of the voters during the nomination process.
1. Trump’s Popularity In Context — GALLUP
2. Ever Wonder How You Become a Convention Delegate? Here’s a Primer on the Selection Process — The Blaze
3. A brokered GOP convention for Paul Ryan? — The Hill
4. 1976: The Last Time Republicans Duked It Out To The Last, Heated Minute — WUWM
5. 1976 Republican Convention Divided Republicans Nominate Ford and Dole — CQ Almanac
6. The Revenge of Rand Paul — The New Yorker (This article includes details about the 1976 GOP Convention)
7. How Many Superdelegates Are There In 2016? The Definition Is Actually Pretty Murky — Bustle
8. A Brief History of Superdelegates — DailyKos
9. Why Are Superdelegates So Important? These Party Reps Could Make All The Difference In 2016 — Bustle
10. RAND Kicks Off 2016 Presidential Election Panel Survey — The RAND Blog
11. RNC Rules Comm. Member: Every Delegate At GOP Convention Not Bound On First Ballot — The Daily Caller
12. Got a Problem? Ask the Super — New York Times